The term Rebeldes became a way for us to take pride in our roots and celebrate those who have fought for a better life for themselves, their families, their communities and the planet.

Why Rebeldes

The word Rebelde (Rebels) in Spanish was chosen so that we could honor our ancestors; those who came before us to fight for better lives for their families, their communities and the planet. There are many Rebeldes who we do not learn about in history books, many in our own families and many today who are continuing these fights. We want to highlight them, share their stories and support their work.

As people of color we cannot focus only on the oppression and the dark side of history, we must also look to the innovation, creativity, strength and foresight of our ancestors that can serve as a guide in today’s world and the future.

Raices Rebeldes is proud to support the Rebeldes of the past, present and future.

check out our weekly instagram posts @raicesrebeldes for Rebeldes we feature
